Tag: Pet Health

Tips for the Season

With the upcoming warm weather, it’s a good idea to start thinking about how temperature changes can affect your pet. Take a look at these warm-weather tips to protect your loved one!

  • Overheating (heat prostration) can kill an animal. Never leave an animal alone in a vehicle, since even with the windows open, a parked car, truck or van can quickly become a furnace. Parking in shade offers little protection, as the sun shifts during the day.
  • When traveling, carry a gallon thermos filled with fresh, cold water.
  • Don’t force your animal to exercise after a meal in hot,humid weather. Always exercise him or her in the cool of the early morning or evening.
  • In extremely hot weather, don’t leave your dog standing on the street, and keep walks to a minimum. He is much closer to the hot asphalt and his body can heat up quickly. His paws can burn since they are not protected by shoes
  • Please be sensitive to old and overweight animals in hot weather. Brachycephalic (snub-nosed) dogs (especially bulldogs, Pekingese, Boston terriers, Lhasa apsos and shih tzus and those with heard or lung diseases should be keep in air-conditioning as much as possible. Keep a current license and identification tag on your dog or cat and consider tattooing or microchipping as a means of permanent identification.
  • Always provide plenty of shade for an animal staying outside of the house. a properly constructed dog house serves best. Bring your dog or cat inside during the heat of the day and let her rest in a cool part of the house.
  • Always provide plenty of cool, clean water for your animal.